

ISP是今年任何使用大学赞助签证的国际学生的必修课程. 我们也欢迎持有美国护照的学生.S. 公民身份或美国.S. 在国外长大并有永久居留权的人,他们认为参加这个项目是有益的. 

We will focus on getting to know the international community at Smith, learning about your Smith resources as an international student, 介绍U.S. social concepts/constructs, and supporting cultural transitions. 除了, 学生将有充足的机会与财政援助官员见面, 卫生服务和其他办公室.


请注册ISP 请填写我们的在线表格.  Please use your Smith email when registering. If you encounter issues with this, please let us know.

2024 ISP时间表

我们很高兴能分享今年的 2024年计划 和你在一起! 这份文件会让你了解我们为新生准备的课程, though some details may be subject to change. 如果需要更改,我们将尽最大努力尽快更新, 每位参与者将在抵达校园后收到完整的ISP时间表的打印副本.

2024-25 ISP领导者

西奥·泽维尔·布鲁斯卡托25 |他们/他们



大家好,我是西奥. I'm originally from Porto Alegre, 巴西 and moved to the U.S. at 16. I'm a rising senior majoring in quantitative economics. 在澳门葡京博彩软件,我在尼尔森图书馆工作,并担任咨询俱乐部的联合主席. In my free time, I love to bike around campus and practice Thai boxing. I'm a returning leader and can't wait to welcome you all for ISP!


Kyara Soto Villarreal ' 26 |他们/她


Astronomy major; Translation concentrator

Hi! :) My name is Kyara and I am from 墨西哥 City. I am an astronomy major and intend to do a physics major as well. 我也是一个专注于翻译的人! I love art and literature, especially El Boom Latino Americano. 我是一名优秀的射手,我是这里射箭俱乐部的联合主席. ISP让我感觉很受欢迎, 认识了来自世界各地的有趣的人,建立了有意义的联系. 很高兴见到大家!


Arisha Faiyas ' 26 |她/她/她的


Engineering major and Landscape Studies minor

欢迎来到澳门葡京博彩软件! Having lived in 孟加拉国 all my life, I could not imagine studying on the other side of the planet, 但是我们在这里. 当我不在福特做作业的时候(直到某个可怕的时刻),你可能会来找我当你的数学导师! I started rock climbing and running at Smith which really help me stay sane. There has never been a week when I was bored. 总有一个美丽的地方, 可爱的餐厅, or a life-changing event to explore in and around Northampton. Please ask me about the places I have discovered so far! I hope you feel as enriched as I do here <3


Michelle Xu’27 |她/她



大家好! I am Michelle Xu from Shanghai, 中国. I am a sophomore intending to major in chemistry. 我最大的爱好是跳舞,我是澳门葡京博彩软件Kpop舞蹈团的董事会成员. I am big fan Kpop groups like Seventeen. 希望能在校园里见到大家!




统计 & 数据科学专业

Hi! 我是Hodan,来自索马里兰. 我是一名即将升入大二的学生,主修统计与数据科学,攻读医学预科. I'm thrilled to be an ISP leader and help new Smithies feel at home. Being an international student myself, I understand the challenges of adjusting to a new environment, and I'm here to support you on this exciting journey. 我期待着在这次新的冒险中与你们每个人一起学习和成长!


Nadya-Catherine Ismail ’26 | Any pronouns


Mathematical Sciences and Music double major

大家好!! I'm Nadya, a rising junior double majoring in maths and music. I'm from Tokyo, 日本 and I'm half 日本ese, half Pakistani. I do a lot of singing on campus with the Glee Club and Chamber singers, 澳门葡京博彩软件的两个合唱团, and I hope to join POCapella this year! 我也参与了管道胶带制作,一个学生音乐剧组织. 澳门葡京博彩软件的国际社会是如此充满活力和支持,我迫不及待地希望你们都能受到欢迎!


Chioma Opara ' 27 |她/她


Computer Science and Quantitative Economics double major

你好! 我来自尼日利亚东部,但这些年我在不同的城市生活过. 在澳门葡京博彩软件, 我是泛非学生协会(PASA)和澳门葡京博彩软件投资俱乐部的成员. Although I enjoy fun conversations and taking spontaneous walks downtown, nothing can beat a lazy Saturday afternoon spent reading a novel in bed. I'm super excited to meet all the incoming international Smithies!


定义Tekin’25 |她/她


World Literatures major; Art minor

Hi! I am a rising senior originally from Istanbul, 火鸡, but I have also lived in a few other countries growing up. 在来澳门葡京博彩软件之前,我就读于荷兰的马斯特里赫特UWC(向我所有的UWCers同事们问好)!) I am a comparative world literatures major and an art minor. 在课堂之外,我参与了校园的戏剧表演,并为之写作 的Sophian, Smith's independent, student-run newspaper. I look forward to getting to know you all during ISP! 




教育 & 儿童研究专业

大家好!, I'm Cat and I’m a rising junior. 我主修教育和儿童研究,并考虑辅修心理学. 今年夏天, I’m enjoying working as a teaching intern at a school, 跟我奶奶学做饭, 和姐姐一起骑自行车到胡同(hútòng)——北京的传统街区. 在秋天, 我很期待搬到四方院去, teaching in the Smith K-pop Dance Club and Chinese Classical Dance Club, 并以中国学生会联合主席的身份组织文化庆祝活动. 另外, I’m excited to serve as this year’s ISP leader, where I hope to help you feel welcomed and supported. I want to help ease your transition to Smith! Please come talk to me about anything!


Muneera Alshagawi ' 25 |她/她


Engineering major; 体系结构 minor

大家好,欢迎来到澳门葡京博彩软件! I'm a rising senior from 沙特阿拉伯, 他最初来自东部省份,但在过去的6年里一直把利雅得作为家. 在校园, 你会发现我活跃在Al-Iman (Smith的MSA),并在Hillyer艺术图书馆担任图书馆助理. I'm a coffee enthusiast who loves hiking (Mt. Sugarloaf) and biking around the area. When I need a breather from campus life, 你会经常在伍德斯塔找到我, 我在市中心常去的咖啡馆之一. If you need any café recommendations, hit me up! Thinking back to the international student pre-orientation in 2021, it was so reassuring to connect with people who shared similar experiences. That's why I decided to step up as an ISP leader. 期待与大家见面! 


Melissa Wang’27 |她/她



大家好,欢迎来到澳门葡京博彩软件! I am Melissa, an international student from Nanjing, 中国. 我是澳门葡京博彩软件大学即将升入大二的学生,我计划主修政府专业,可能还会主修心理学或教育学. 作为一名国际大一新生似乎非常难以承受,过去一年我在澳门葡京博彩软件经历了一些起起落落,但就我个人而言, 参加俱乐部和组织,如澳门葡京博彩软件跑步俱乐部, 澳门葡京博彩软件K-pop舞蹈团, 当然, 国际学生组织一直是我度过难关的支持系统. 通过ISP和这些俱乐部,以及作为今年的ISP负责人,我遇到了最了不起的人, 我想帮助你创造一个有意义的经历,就像他们为我做的那样,所以请随时问我任何问题!


Joanne Lee ' 27 |她/她


Government and Economics double major

你好 incoming international Smithies! 我衷心地欢迎你加入这个温暖、充满活力和支持的社区! 我的名字叫乔安妮,我是一名韩国学生,我把印度尼西亚称为我的家. During my childhood, I lived in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia as well. I am interested in studying economic policy in developing countries, and thus chose gov and econ as my majors. 课外活动, 我担任国际学生组织(ISO)和澳门葡京博彩软件法律预科俱乐部的秘书. 如果没有ISP和国际社会,我在澳门葡京博彩软件的时光就不会如此美好! 我想回馈我在第一年所得到的温暖和支持,并在入学前和之后的时间里让你们感到舒适和自在. 我等不及要见到你们了! 请随时联系我! I’d love to hear your stories and get to know you :)


Alice Bowen Tan ' 25 |她/她


Classical Languages and English Literature double major

你好! Salvēte! Χαίρετε! 你好! 欢迎来到澳门葡京博彩软件! 我叫爱丽丝, a rising senior double-majoring in classics/English literature (yes, I spend most of my time reading—or trying to read—Latin, 古希腊, 然后是一些小说). 我在中国深圳出生和长大,第一次漂洋过海到美国读高中.S., eventually leading me to Northampton. I have embarked on various adventures on campus, writing for 的Sophian, helping to catalog the Van Buren Antiquities Collection, 辅导拉丁, 并担任学院交叉女权主义期刊的奎格利研究员 经络. 学术之外, my great passions include eating afternoon cake at Neilson Library, 《我为喜剧狂》, 以及对预兆的错误解读. I have endless opinions about the best humanities classes to take. 有什么问题尽管问我, 包括(但不限于)我不小心把一枚有两千年历史的希腊硬币扔下了杜威的楼梯.


Nermine Mokdad ' 25 |她/她


体系结构 & Urbanism major; Landscape Studies minor; Collaborative Innovation concentrator

大家好,欢迎来到澳门葡京博彩软件! 我是Nermine,来自突尼斯, 我是一名大四学生,主修建筑与城市规划,辅修景观研究. 我还专注于协作创新,这是我非常热衷的领域. 在澳门葡京博彩软件工作期间, 我一直深入参与各种活动,丰富我们充满活力的社区. 今年, I’m thrilled to serve as an ISP leader, helping you kickstart your Smith journey as the class of 2028. 除了学习之外,我还喜欢钻研创意项目,比如DIY、钩针编织、绘画和素描. 我也喜欢跑步,内容创作,并在空闲时间提高我的金融知识. 关于我的一个有趣的事实:我在5个不同的国家生活过,会说3种语言. 这些经历让我对生活有了独特的看法,对不同的文化有了深刻的欣赏. 我迫不及待地想帮助你在澳门葡京博彩软件开始,让ISP 2024对每个人来说都是一次了不起的经历. 请随时联系我 with any questions or just to say hi. Looking forward to an incredible year together!


Contact 国际学生 and 澳门葡京博彩软件




电话: 413-585-7598 电子邮件: interstu@sophieboon.com

办公时间: 安排会议 和凯特琳院长 或与 克莱尔·希利· 当你方便的时候!